

This product is made by Advanced Card Systems Limited and seems to be available in different layouts but hardware doesn’t differ so much.

They are all using a PN532 NFC Controller chip and a ST7 microcontroler unit.

I’ve made some pictures of the designs I have seen in the wild, but there are probably more.

Feel free to send pictures of different designs you stumble on.

The current release of libnfc supports all firmware versions.

Important note

libnfc needs “CCID Exchange command” from PCSC-lite to work, plus PCSC-lite denies bogus firmware: >= 2.0 and < 2.07. You will need to configure PCSC in order to libnfc work correctly (please see Troubleshooting section in README file)


The ACR122 reader was also used in the touchatag project (formerly tikitag).

Unlike many other devices, you could order it from the e-store. A $39.95 starter package contained:

Important notes

ACR122-like working devices

At the moment, it seems libnfc can talk with all ACR122, please report success or failure.

The following versions were reported to work:

ACR122-like internal hardware

On this picture, you can see PN532 chip (red circle) and a 8-bit MCU (the biggest chip).

This touchatag contains: